Dental Implants Specialist

Ramona Dental Specialists
Oral Surgery & Periodontics located in Ramona, CA
If you lose one or more natural teeth, you don’t necessarily have to adjust your routine to accommodate a cumbersome removable prosthetic. At Ramona Dental Specialists in Ramona, California, the board certified specialists place dental implants in your jawbone to support crowns, bridges, or dentures. To find out if you’re a good candidate for dental implant surgery, call Ramona Dental Specialists, or book an appointment online today.
Dental Implants Q & A
What are dental implants?
The roots of your teeth are responsible for anchoring them to your jawbone, and dental implants are no different. If you lose a tooth, a dental implant provides a sturdy structure on which your dentist can attach a custom dental crown. The implant holds the crown in place, making it a strong, durable tooth that you can use to speak and chew normally.
If you’re missing many teeth, a set of four dental implants can support a brand new set of permanent dentures. Whether you get your implants for individual crowns or denture sets, implants allow you to use your teeth as if you never lost a tooth in the first place. They’re fixed in place, so you can’t remove them at will.
Each dental implant looks like a small titanium screw. During a series of appointments, your implant specialist at Ramona Dental Specialists places the implant in your jawbone and attaches a prosthetic tooth.
What are the benefits of dental implants?
Dental implants offer a range of benefits that other prosthetic tooth replacement devices, like traditional dentures or bridges, can’t provide. As long as you have a healthy mouth and jaw, your oral surgeon at Ramona Dental Specialists might encourage you to consider dental implants because of the following advantages:
No dietary restrictions once they heal
Strength and durability
Easy cleaning and care
Easy eating and speaking
Better jawbone health
No adhesives or glues like with dentures
The restoration that attaches to your dental implants is custom designed using advanced methods and technology, so it looks nearly identical to your original teeth in their ideal state.
Your dental implants may last a lifetime, and you can always replace worn or damaged restorations to keep your smile looking and functioning at its best.
What should I expect during dental implant surgery?
Dental implant surgery is a process that may take more than one visit to Ramona Dental Specialists. Before surgery starts, your dental specialist takes cone beam computed tomography (CT) scans and X-rays of your jaw to ensure you have adequate bone to hold your implant. If you’ve lost some bone mass, you may still be a candidate for dental implants after you receive a bone graft.
During the first stage of surgery, your surgeon places the biocompatible titanium implant in your jawbone. Sedation is available to help you relax during this procedure. They close the incision and allow you to heal for 6-12 weeks as your bone grows around the implant.
At your next appointment, they place an attachment piece called an abutment on the dental implant. Once the abutment is securely attached, they take impressions of your bite, including the abutment, to design a restoration that fits perfectly.
Your dentist matches your prosthetic crown, bridge, or denture to the color of your natural teeth. Several weeks later, they attach the finished prosthetic to the dental implant abutment.
To learn more about dental implants and find out if you’re a candidate, call Ramona Dental Specialists, or book an appointment online today.